Djinns are allegedly capable of many great acts both good and evil. The Djinn is a variation many things and sits somewhere in between angels and mankind. The ring given to King Solomon is very widely believed in Arabic tales of Djinns. It was believed that these symbols could draw away unwanted attention of evil spirits and demons away as well as trap them if they came too close. Such symbols would be used in buildings and there is proof of this to this day with some 18th and 19th century buildings still having the remains of such symbols on their doors, walls and even floors.

These symbols would be designed so that any passing demon would be lured into the symbol to investigate, which on them investigating the symbol would lock in its energy. Medieval europe consisted of symbols that would draw in a demons curiosity and then it would be sealed with a never ending loop. There as been many efforts to draw in and entrap demons, evil, spirits and other entities from beyond our understanding for us as humans to try and study them to some degree. It is natural for us as humans to lash out and try and control, subjugate and tame the things we do not understand. There have been tales of ways to bind, subdue and imprison them. Over the centuries there as always been talk of evil spirits, ghosts and demons. In theory the dybbuk box is a demon trap in itself within modern western culture but in previous years we have used different items to more or less achieve the same thing To trap a bad spirit. There are many different forms of demon traps from all parts of the world.